Friday, 1 February 2008

The Rulebook for the Bosnian football

Jasenko sent a link to Chica and I obviously read it... it is really funny!

And reading the post about this special and wonderful country called Bosnia i Hercegovina I've found another one that explains how easy is to have a Bosnian national football team which represents the diversity of the country... here you have!

General rules
The first team is consisted of eleven players. All three constitutional nationalities must be equaly represented according to the folowing rules:

The right and left winger must be of be different nationalites.
The playmaker must be of the same nationality as the goalkeeper.
The left wing back and the left winger cannot be from the same entity.
All kantons must have at least one representative in the first team.
No two players must have the same uncle.
At least one third of the players must be returned refugees.
The number of players with a beard must not be higher then the number of players with no hair. On the left side of the field there must be an equal number of players from all three nationalites.
On the right side of the field there must be an equal number of players from all three nationalites.
All three nationalites must be represented on the forward position.
The defence must have an equal number of players of all three nationalites.
The Goalie must be 1/3 Bosnian 1/3 Croatian and 1/3 Serbian.

And what about the Bosnian football league?
The home team wins by default.
The home team reserves the right to beat up the referee if rule above has not been met.
The team that wins 2 away games in a season and still returns to home with all its players is automatically crowned champion.

New rules: conditions to enter in the European Union
At least one third of the players must be homosexual;
At least one third of the players must be left handed;
All players must cooperate with the Haag Tribunal.
Those players who are staying in a foreign country can not be in the first team.

(Thanks to Uncyclopedia guys. It is really funny! And Sretan Rođendan, Jas!)


Jose Luis said...



No me aclaro con las reglas del futbol tradicional me voy a aclarar con estas...

Oyes! Eurovisión este año es en Sarajevo? A que me voy y la monto que dicen que va Malena Gracia representando a España...

Amelie said...

I love your articles dude, and love this webside found by Jasenko...
See you around.

Dave Bastardo said...


Los de Uncyclopedia son unos cabrones... o sino mira el articulo sobre Cataluña... Eurovisión es en Belgrado! A unas 5 horas en bus desde aquí... yo quiero ir, la verdad!! Vente y la montamos! Dios mio Malena!!

Nos vemos el 21 muchacho!


Dave Bastardo said...

Merci bcp, ma blonde... :D

This website is fucking funny!! Jasenko is a great guy!

Ei, did you finally came to Sarajevo?? I thought you were coming... I'm at my sister's place in Madrid, be back in 3 weeks!!

Groz biz!