I went to Split to meet Guada, from Buenos Aires. My friends already know that fact, so if you are looking for gossip I'm afraid this post is going to disappoint you.
I took the bus from my dear Sarajevo at 9pm and I was supposed to arrive to Split around 4:30am. But sometimes miracles happens, so I got there at 3:30am. Great. For the first time in my Balkan life, a bus from Bosnia is not only arriving at least one hour late but even one hour before planned. It is not the best day for that to me, since I don't have a place to stay that night, and Guada was coming from Ancona (Italy) by boat at 7am.
For more than an hour I didn't see any living being in that part of the city. Suddenly, some drunk guys singing probably in their way back home from a club. I felt good, that's finally a normal Friday night scene.
Around 5:30am I've found a bar opened and I went there. A capuccino and a good book (Sarajevo Marlboro) woke me up before I've picked Guada up 2 hours later.
From that moment, things were quite different. Time went by easily walking together around the city, having some Croatian beers, eating some pizza, talking for hours and hours. Sitting on a bench in front of the Adriatic, what a great sensation. Letting the Dalmatian sunshine in. Looking at the fancy houses and palm trees of Miami, as she named the promenade.
We said goodbye on Sunday night. Thank you for this really nice weekend. See you soon, who knows. Somewhere, someday, somehow.
OST The Wombats - Let's dance to Joy Division
Bonus track:
Top 5: Život je lijep u Splitu (Life is beautiful in Split)
2. On Saturday night, we've found a bar called La Linea (The line). As soon as we were opening the door, around 40 eyes were fixed on us for more than 10 seconds. The longest ones of my life.
3. Eating Sarajevan ćevapi in Split. We found it by accident, I swear.
4. The waitress in the restaurant on Sunday asking me: Are you German? I'm not German, I'm actually traumatised.
5. The non-existent bus back to Sarajevo on Sunday at 9pm. One more night in the coast, great! But travelling the morning after really worthed it: the Dalmatian landscapes are amazing, as the views of Neretva river from Mostar to Sarajevo.
Joder, el Sarajevo Marlboro ese es como Los Pilares de la Tierra...no se acaba nunca o que?
Mola el/tu finde...yo fui a la playa que aqui hace un caloraco que no veas...y salí de fiesta hasta las mil y me robaron la chaqueta...como cuando teníamos quince años...sé que que no me envidiarás, pero lo voy intentando...
Spanish hugs de esos!
Una de mis palabras favoritas es quilombo, aunque he forzado a mis colegas argentinos a que digan follón, por eso del Imperialismo español y lo de imponer la lengua...yatusabes!
No no... Sarajevo Marlboro es cortico, me lo leí en un par de días... en el viaje a Split, que fue hace 20 días... son relatos cortos...
El finde estuvo chulo. Split es muy bonito, el casco viejo es de cuando los romanos, del siglo III. La catedral es un templo romano!
Te envidio, hijomío... mola eso de ir a la playa... pero no lo de la chaqueta eh
Personalmente prefiero quilombo a follón! ;)
Abrazos bosnios, hercegovinos y dálmatas
Me honra encabezar con mi frase la lista del top five Splitense.
Si todos los follones fueran tan interesantes como ese fin de semana ...vivamos un quilombo eterno!!!
besos bien porteños. ella.
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